Activities to pursue in the Canary Islands

Guest post by lloyd John

As one of the most beautiful sets of islands in the world, the Canaries are visited by millions every year. Not only are they part of the lost islands of Atlantis, but they also hold great historical significance too; Hercules collected his golden apples in the Canary Islands. For thousands of years, these islands have been shrouded in myth, however as amazing they are in ancient literature and fable, they’re even more impressive in real life.

Located just off the coast of Morocco, these seven islands are also of great geological interest. Sometime in the last 40 million years, the tectonic plates under the sea bed shifted, causing mass volcanic eruptions. These eruptions, once the lava solidified, saw massive volcanoes form, which are now the range of mountains seen across the Canaries.

The island used to be the home of travellers and missionaries looking for a safe haven on their way to exploring the New World, however these people have been replaced by culture-seeking tourists looking to bask in the sun, and experience the wonders these islands have to offer. Let’s take a look at some of the best activities the Canary Islands have to offer.


There are a range of activities to experience when holidaying on the Canary Islands, however hiking is one of the most popular. Climbing a volcano can be a very gratifying thing to do, and with the amazing views from the top, it’s obvious why so many people choose to find the hiker in them. Experience is recommended however, and hiking one of the many volcanoes in the Canary Islands is not for the faint of heart – or the unfit.

Mount Teide, the tallest mountain in Tenerife, is one of the biggest climbs in the Canary Islands, taking over five hours of solid walking to reach the peak. At 3718 meters (12198 feet), the summit can get very steep at points, and you’ll have to navigate large boulders and solidified lava formations on your journey.

Caldera de Taburiente, La Palma, Canary Islands
Caldera de Taburiente, La Palma, Canary Islands

La Palma is also a great hiking spot, and it offers over 960 kilometers (600 miles) of walking trails for all levels of hiker. These trails take you straight though the heart of the volcano range, with forests, waterfalls and tough terrain all along the way. One of the best hikes to experience is the La Caldera de Taburiente National Park, and it is ideal of experienced walkers. Visit for great deals to the Canary Islands.

Scuba Diving in the Canaries

Every once in a while, mother nature throws a climate temper tantrum over the Canary Islands, and the sea bed can be dramatically reshaped when earthquakes occur. This makes scuba diving one of the most popular activities on the island, and there is even a stretch of sea bed that has been declared a UNESCO Marine Reserve.

As you descend though the crystal clear waters, you’ll be able to see the spectacular marine life that live in the Canaries, and from stingrays and turtles to globefish, there are some spectacular sights to behold.


2 responses to “Activities to pursue in the Canary Islands”

  1. Nice to see a good overview of some of the more rigorous activities worth looking into when in the Canaries. Its not all about lying on a beach…though that can be quite nice too 😉

  2. Canary Islands has been one of the tops spots I would like to visit this year for diving. We are so excited, especially my wife, to try out the best diving spots they have and see how wonderful they are.

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