Holidays are in your mind if you are in Australia on working holiday visa. But don’t forget to lodge your tax returns till end of October.
You should get some tax refund if you did some work last financial year which is from the 1st of July until 30th of June. Australia is not the cheapest place to travel and every dollar counts. Use Australian income tax calculator to check how much taxes you paid last year. I am sure you can get back some taxes you paid. It most likely you were taxed as not resident in which case you paid much more taxes as you should. You don’t pay taxes if you are an Australian resident for tax purposes and make less then $18000 per year. Because you are temporary resident some employers will insist that you are a non-resident for tax purposes and deduct higher rate then they should. Also it can be deducted Medicare levy from your salary though you most likely have private travel insurance
Some may try convince you to use a tax agent to complete your tax returns for the previous income year. Don’t fell for it. Why should you be paying somebody $100 when completing tax returns is so straight forward and to do it you don’t need to know any tax rates for holidaymakers in Australia.
Download e-tax software from Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website, install it and it will guide you through all the steps.

It will be a lot of YES/NO questions, but it won’t take much time answer to it. It also will help you decide your residency status – are you resident for tax purpose in Australia or not. But one of the best thing of e-tax software it allows you to pre-fill a lot of information into e-tax if it is available on ATO database.
What data can be pre-filled? You can pre-fill data like:
- Pay as you go (PAYG) payment summaries
- Pay as you go (PAYG) income tax installments
- Bank interest
- Government payments
- ATO interest
- Private health insurance policy details
- Private health insurance tax offset details
- Medical expenses details from Medicare Australia
It is not full list, but it is data you probably will be interested in. Of course you must check pre-filled information as it can be missing some details as not all the information is received yet.
In any case if makes your job much easier and you shouldn’t have any problems to complete Australian tax returns by yourself and to find your tax refund in your Australian bank account couple days later.
But you always can refer to tax agent in case you still have difficulties to complete it.
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