How to travel while you are on COVID-19 lockdown

Airlines are canceling flights, museums are closing their doors, hotels are not accepting clients, countries are closing borders and allow in only their own citizens. The best you can do is to sit at home and work remotely if you have that possibility while coronavirus (COVID-19) widespreads around the world.

But good thing is you can still travel during your free time!

Of course there are plenty books, magazines travel blogs to read, or to watch travel channels, but you also can go on virtual tours through hundreds museums.

Google Arts & Culture collections

Google Arts & Culture collections over thousand museums in different parts of World. Some of them you probably would never visit, so now you have an opportunity to do it.

Google arts and culture collections

MoMA The Museum of Modern Art in New York, Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Museo Dolores Olmedo in Mexico, The State Tretyakov Gallery
in Moscow, The Munch Museum in Oslo, Tokyo National Museum in Tokyo, National Museum in New Delhi and list goes on and on. Just don’t spent too much time in these museums. You need to do some exercise too not just sit on coach 🙂


Louvre in Paris was one of the first museums closed during this coronavirus time. But you can visit Louvre virtually too.

Louvre virtual tour

National Museum of the United States Air Force

National Museum of the United States Air Force offers virtual tour and allows visitors to take 360-degree, self-guided tour of the entire museum.

National Museum of the United States Air Force virtual tour

Web cams

Web cams allows as to see live what is happening in the World. Here is big collection of web cams.

web cams

You can watch Niagara Falls live or life on Times Square in New York, or watch waves in Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia and may be you will be lucky to see a whale.

Enjoy your virtual travel and let us know if you know any other good virtual tours in museums or parks and we will add it to our list.


3 responses to “How to travel while you are on COVID-19 lockdown”

  1. Stella Wilson Avatar
    Stella Wilson

    Good tips. Thanks or sharing the information 🙂

  2. Nice Post! Thanks or sharing the information

  3. Friendzit Avatar

    Wow. Great tips. Thank you so much for sharing this great content.

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